Monday 9 March 2015

Welcome to my blog - A learning journey.

Welcome to my blog - A learning journey.

This blog is designed to share my personal reflections and learning journey, as part of the Bastow course 'Leading schools in the Digital Age'. I honestly hope that I find this process useful and perhaps even reignite the excitement I once had for using online collaborative tools. That excitement peaked around 10 years ago. I have never really have had much desire to share with the broad 'online global community'. Nor have I ever had a strong reason to. Also, the thought of exposing myself so publicly for possibly any unk9wn entity to see and contort in some way terrifies me (which is why I think I never really have shared on twitter and just occasionally watch). Those I did wish to share with were available by other means and by 2007 all my close friends were on FB so any news was shared that way.

I have made a range of blogs before using WordPress, global2 blogs BlogSpot etc. Spending hours setting up templates and choosing colours and gadgets. I have to admit though, I have never been very good at maintaining them. After a couple of posts my big idea for communicating whatever exciting knowledge or idea I thought needed to be shared no longer seems a priority and it falls by the wayside. Perhaps if I were into journaling I would feel differently but this has never been my thing.

I am hoping that by re-engaging in this online reflective process I will gain valuable insights and synthesise new learning in a meaningful way.


  1. Hi Mel and thanks for inviting me to view and comment on your blog. I hope the course fulfils some of your expectations and your enthusiasm can be re-ignited.

  2. Hi Mel, I enjoyed reading your first blog and I look forward to learning alongside you over the coming months. It seems you've had a lot of experience with blogging but it's been in the sustaining of the practice that you've felt challenged. Have you heard of the 28 day Blogging Challenge or the 30 Day Blogging Challenge? These are both designed to help routine-ise your blogging....either way, I love what you've done so ar :).

    ps would you mind including your name in the blog title so it's easier for me to find it and keep track over the life of this course? Thanks

  3. Hi Mel, Well I certainly enjoyed feeding your fish! You comments re blogging are not unusual. You really need a purpose and you need a level of trust. I am confident you will experience both with the course. One reassurance is that what you write in your blog here is only seen by the people you have allowed to see it. Also on our Group blog, only those in the group can see what anyone else writes. The group blog will never be opened to the public and your blog is in your control. Thank you for trusting us enough to express your concerns too Mel. We all appreciate your candor and I would be very disappointed in myself if I ever let you down! I am very much looking forward to working with you. :)
